Locomotors (3 weeks)

This would be the general description of the Lessons. There would be links below this for grade-levels, so the resulting page below would show things just for the grade level selected, but in a persistant menu at the top so the user could go back and forth OR each lesson column below could contain a horizontal scroller to select different items for each grade level.

Walk, Jog, Run

Lesson 1

Description and link to lesson 1.

Lesson 2

Description and link to lesson 2.

Hop, Slide, Gallop

Lesson 1

Description and link to lesson 1.

Lesson 2

Description and link to lesson 2.

Vertical & Horizontal Jumps & Skip Leap

Vertical and Horizontal Jumps

Introduce new Fitness Skill in Warm-up (link to warm-up page)

Assets (links to each)

  • EPEC Classic TLP (with images)
  • Animations
  • Poster images
  • Assessment spreadsheets and rubrics
  • more (newsletters, homework, icons for tips, place to put standards and grade level outcomes, ability later to have different warm-ups and purposeful plays).

Note: Anything can be in this column, and it can scroll or expand, or just list out. On the internal pages that these link to, at the top we can have breakcrumbs to get back to the original page, and/or a right menu rail that has expanded and shows where in the lesson you are in a list.

Skip and Leap

Description and links to Skip and Leap.