• Welcome

    Second Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today we are going to continue to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how

  • Welcome


    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today we are going to continue to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how

  • Welcome

    First Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today we are going to continue to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how

  • Warm Up

    Second Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice

  • Warm Up


    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice

  • Warm Up

    First Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    Second Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.2 S1.E7-E12.2 S1.E13-E26.2 S3.E2.2 S5.E2.2 Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Engages actively in physical education class in response to instruction and practice. Compares physical activities that bring confidence and challenge. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes


    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.K S1.E7-E12.K S1.E13-E26.K S3.E2.K S5.E2.K Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Participates actively in physical education class Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    First Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.1 S1.E7-E12.1 S1.E13-E26.1 S3.E2.1 S5.E2.1 Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Engages actively in physical education class. Recognizes that challenge in physical activities can lead to success. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • SKILL DEVELOPMENT (PEPR) for an Exploration in the Purposeful PLAY

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Five 4-6" foam balls Five wall targets Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place equipment for the first challenge next to the team’s starting color cone, place equipment for the second

  • Skill Development


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Five 4-6" foam balls Five bowling pins Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place team relay equipment on the center line and on the opposite endline from the start position. Students

  • Skill Development

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Five 4-6" foam balls Five bowling pins Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place team relay equipment on the center line and on the opposite endline from the start position. Students

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on skill challenge stations chosen. Set various equipment in a 6-station format. Students begin with their teammates at the assigned skill challenge station. Challenge Time: Skill Stations This purposeful play allows students to explore appropriate fundamentals of locomotors, balance, and object control in various

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities


    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on skill challenge stations chosen. Set various equipment in a 6-station format. Students begin with their teammates at the assigned skill challenge station. Challenge Time: Skill Stations This purposeful play allows students to explore appropriate fundamentals of locomotors, balance, and object control in various

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on skill challenge stations chosen. Set various equipment in a 6-station format. Students begin with their teammates at the assigned skill challenge station. Challenge Time: Skill Stations This purposeful play allows students to explore appropriate fundamentals of locomotors, balance, and object control in various

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice area.

  • Equipment & Set-Up


    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice area.

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice area.

  • Cool-down

    Second Grade

    Walk and Create Your Own Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to continue walking until they have completed two walking laps around the activity area. Then ask them to stop and try to think of three poses/stretches they could do to create their own nature stretch series. Share that it can be a pose/stretch

  • Cool-down


    Walk and Create Your Own Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to continue walking until they have completed two walking laps around the activity area. Then ask them to stop and try to think of three poses/stretches they could do to create their own nature stretch series. Share that it can be a pose/stretch

  • Cool-down

    First Grade

    Walk and Create Your Own Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to continue walking until they have completed two walking laps around the activity area. Then ask them to stop and try to think of three poses/stretches they could do to create their own nature stretch series. Share that it can be a pose/stretch

  • Closure

    Second Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: Rate your cooperation with your teammates today. (Thumbs up, thumb sideways, thumbs down) What is the reason you rated yourself that way? (Call on students to share) Which skill challenge station did you feel

  • Closure


    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What is one thing you need to do with best effort in a relay race to cooperate with your team? What is one of the skills we focused on using in our relay today?

  • Closure

    First Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: Rate your cooperation with your teammates today. (Thumbs up, thumb sideways, thumbs down) What is the reason you rated yourself that way? (Call on students to share) Which skill challenge station did you feel

  • Welcome

    Second Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today we are going to continue to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how

  • Welcome


    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today we are going to continue to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how

  • Welcome

    First Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today we are going to continue to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how

  • Warm Up

    Second Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate toss/catch and roll/receive items. 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate balls for hand dribbling placed within this practice area. Students

  • Warm Up


    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate toss/catch and roll/receive items. 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate toss/catch items placed within this practice area. Students begin in

  • Warm Up

    First Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate toss/catch and roll/receive items. 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate toss/catch items placed within this practice area. Students begin in

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    Second Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.2 S1.E7-E12.2 S1.E13-E26.2 S3.E2.2 S5.E2.2 Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Engages actively in physical education class in response to instruction and practice. Compares physical activities that bring confidence and challenge. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes


    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.K S1.E7-E12.K S1.E13-E26.K S3.E2.K S5.E2.K Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Participates actively in physical education class Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    First Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.1 S1.E7-E12.1 S1.E13-E26.1 S3.E2.1 S5.E2.1 Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Engages actively in physical education class. Recognizes that challenge in physical activities can lead to success. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Skill Development

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Five 4-6" foam balls Five bowling pins Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place equipment for the first challenge next to the team’s starting color cone, place equipment for the second

  • Skill Development


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Five 4-6" foam balls Five balls and five bowling pins Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place team relay equipment on the center line and on the opposite endline from the

  • Skill Development

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Five 4-6" foam balls Five bowling pins Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place team relay equipment on the center line and on the opposite endline from the start position. Students

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on skill challenge stations chosen. Set various equipment in a 6-station format. Students begin with their teammates at the assigned skill challenge station. Challenge Time: Skill Stations This purposeful play allows students to explore appropriate fundamentals of locomotors, balance, and object control in various

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities


    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on skill challenge stations chosen. Set various equipment in a 6-station format. Students begin with their teammates at the assigned skill challenge station. Challenge Time: Skill Stations This purposeful play allows students to explore appropriate fundamentals of locomotors, balance, and object control in various

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on skill challenge stations chosen. Set various equipment in a 6-station format. Students begin with their teammates at the assigned skill challenge station. Challenge Time: Skill Stations This purposeful play allows students to explore appropriate fundamentals of locomotors, balance, and object control in various

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate toss/catch and roll/receive items 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate balls for hand dribbling placed within this practice area. Students begin

  • Equipment & Set-Up


    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate toss/catch and roll/receive items 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate toss/catch items placed within this practice area. Students begin in team

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate toss/catch and roll/receive items 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate toss/catch items placed within this practice area. Students begin in team

  • Cool-down

    Second Grade

    Walk and Create Your Own Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to continue walking until they have completed two walking laps around the activity area. Then ask them to stop and try to think of three poses/stretches they could do to create their own nature stretch series. Share that it can be a pose/stretch

  • Cool-down


    Walk and Create Your Own Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to continue walking until they have completed two walking laps around the activity area. Then ask them to stop and try to think of three poses/stretches they could do to create their own nature stretch series. Share that it can be a pose/stretch

  • Cool-down

    First Grade

    Walk and Create Your Own Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to continue walking until they have completed two walking laps around the activity area. Then ask them to stop and try to think of three poses/stretches they could do to create their own nature stretch series. Share that it can be a pose/stretch

  • Closure

    Second Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control. Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was a skill they used to show best effort or cooperation today? What did their team improve on today in their relay from last week’s relay attempts? Which skill challenge did they have

  • Closure


    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control. Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was a skill we used in our relay race today? What is one thing you can do in a relay race that will show that you are using best effort? Which skill challenge

  • Closure

    First Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control. Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was a skill they used to show best effort or cooperation today? What did their team improve on today in their relay from last week’s relay attempts? Which skill challenge did they have

  • Welcome

    Second Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Welcome to PE. We are going to continue to use many of our skills to move and cooperate today! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how well you know it!

  • Welcome


    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Welcome to PE. We are going to continue to use many of our skills to move and cooperate today! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how well you know it!

  • Welcome

    First Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Welcome to PE. We are going to continue to use many of our skills to move and cooperate today! Remember that this is a great time to show what you know and how well you know it!

  • Warm Up


    Warm-Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 10 ft. long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors). Time to Use Your Skills Tag (Balance Skill Review) This activity directs students to recall

  • Warm Up

    Second Grade

    Warm-Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 10 ft. long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors). Time to Use Your Skills Tag (Balance Skill Review) This activity directs students to recall

  • Warm Up

    First Grade

    Warm-Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 10 ft. long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors). Time to Use Your Skills Tag (Balance Skill Review) This activity directs students to recall

  • Skill Development

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Upbeat music Music delivery system Other equipment based on challenges chosen from lesson list Place team color cones approx. 5 ft. apart on designated start line. Place equipment for the first challenge next to the team’s starting color cone, place equipment for

  • Skill Development


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Upbeat music Music delivery system Other equipment based on challenges chosen from lesson list Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place equipment for the first challenge on the midway line in the center of the activity

  • Skill Development

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. Upbeat music Music delivery system Other equipment based on challenges chosen from lesson list Place team color cones approx. 5 ft apart on designated start line. Place equipment for the first challenge on the midway line in the center of the activity

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on challenges chosen from lesson list Students begin with their teams, spread out in designated activity space Can You Cooperate? (Team Cooperation Challenges) This activity uses previously learned fundamental skills in a variety of cooperative challenges. Students work together in teams to communicate and

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities


    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on challenges chosen from lesson list Students begin with their teams, spread out in designated activity space Can You Cooperate? (Team Cooperation Challenges) This activity uses previously learned fundamental skills in a variety of cooperative challenges. Students work together in teams to communicate and

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Equipment varies based on challenges chosen from lesson list Students begin with their teams, spread out in designated activity space Can You Cooperate? (Team Cooperation Challenges) This activity uses previously learned fundamental skills in a variety of cooperative challenges. Students work together in teams to communicate and

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 10 ft. long by 3-4ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors).  Skill Practice: Color cone to represent each team Upbeat music Music delivery system Other equipment based on

  • Equipment & Set-Up


    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 10 ft. long by 3-4ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors).  Skill Practice: Color cone to represent each team Upbeat music Music delivery system Other equipment based on

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 10 ft. long by 3-4ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors).  Skill Practice: Color cone to represent each team Upbeat music Music delivery system Other equipment based on

  • Cool-down

    Second Grade

    Nature Walk and Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to begin walking and thinking of one of the favorite places they like to go in nature. Ask them to stop and say the name of the place out loud. Then ask them to stop and complete a nature stretch series with you. Mountain pose

  • Cool-down


    Nature Walk and Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to begin walking and thinking of one of the favorite places they like to go in nature. Ask them to stop and say the name of the place out loud. Then ask them to stop and complete a nature stretch series with you. Mountain pose

  • Cool-down

    First Grade

    Nature Walk and Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to begin walking and thinking of one of the favorite places they like to go in nature. Ask them to stop and say the name of the place out loud. Then ask them to stop and complete a nature stretch series with you. Mountain pose

  • Closure

    Second Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was a skill they used well in the relay race today? What was one thing their team needed to improve on to do better in the race? Which team challenge was the most

  • Closure


    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was the name of the team race they tried today? (Relay Race) What was one way they could show readiness for the race? (Face forward, eyes watching person in front of them, favorite

  • Closure

    First Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was a skill they needed to use in the relay race today?  What was one thing their team did well in the race? Which team challenge was their favorite and why? Celebratory Closure:

  • Welcome

    Second Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today is going to be an exciting time to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! You have learned and used so many different skills, and it's going

  • Welcome


    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today is going to be an exciting time to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! You have learned and used so many different skills, and it's going

  • Welcome

    First Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions. Say to students:  Today is going to be an exciting time to use many of the skills you have learned and practiced in Physical Education throughout the year! You have learned and used so many different skills, and it's going

  • Warm Up

    Second Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 30 ft. long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions if indoors or designated start spot if outdoors. Time to Use Your Skills Tag (Locomotor Skill Review) This activity directs

  • Warm Up


    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 30 ft. long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions if indoors or designated start spot if outdoors. Time to Use Your Skills Tag (Locomotor Skill Review) This activity directs

  • Warm Up

    First Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 30 ft. long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions if indoors or designated start spot if outdoors. Time to Use Your Skills Tag (Locomotor Skill Review) This activity directs

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    Second Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.2 S1.E7-E12.2 S1.E13-E26.2 S3.E2.2 S5.E2.2 Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Engages actively in physical education class in response to instruction and practice. Compares physical activities that bring confidence and challenge. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes


    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.K S1.E7-E12.K S1.E13-E26.K S3.E2.K S5.E2.K Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Participates actively in physical education class Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    First Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E1-E6.1 S1.E7-E12.1 S1.E13-E26.1 S3.E2.1 S5.E2.1 Explore age-appropriate FUN-damentals of movement Engages actively in physical education class Recognizes that challenges in physical activities can lead to success. Locomotors Balance Object Control

  • Skill Development

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. 5 track batons or dowles/short foam noodles Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft. apart on designated start line. Place team baton/dowel on start line next to cone. Students line up in team order behind their team

  • Skill Development


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. 5 track batons or dowles/short foam noodles Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft. apart on designated start line. Place team baton/dowel on start line next to cone. Students line up in team order behind their team

  • Skill Development

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Color cone to represent each team. 5 track batons or dowles/short foam noodles Upbeat music Music delivery system Place team color cones approx. 5 ft. apart on designated start line. Place team baton/dowel on start line next to cone. Students line up in team order behind their team

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up 10-15 Large/Lightweight Balls 10-15 Sacks/Exercise band circles Students begin standing next to a partner, spread out in designated activity space. Can You Cooperate? (Partner Body/Balance/Cooperation Challenges) This activity uses previously learned fundamental skills in a variety of cooperative challenges. Students work together in pairs to communicate and

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities


    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up 10-15 Large/Lightweight Balls 10-15 Sacks/Exercise band circles Students begin standing next to a partner, spread out in designated activity space. Can You Cooperate? (Partner Body/Balance/Cooperation Challenges) This activity uses previously learned fundamental skills in a variety of cooperative challenges. Students work together in pairs to communicate and

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up 10-15 Large/Lightweight Balls 10-15 Sacks/Exercise band circles Students begin standing next to a partner, spread out in designated activity space. Can You Cooperate? (Partner Body/Balance/Cooperation Challenges) This activity uses previously learned fundamental skills in a variety of cooperative challenges. Students work together in pairs to communicate and

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 30 ft long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions if indoors or designated start spot if outdoors. Skill Practice: Color cone to represent each team 5 track batons or dowels/short

  • Equipment & Set-Up


    Equipment Set-Up Warm Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 30 ft long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors). Skill Practice: Color cone to represent each team 5 track batons or dowels/short foam noodles

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system Two foam tagging tools Designate or cone off a 30 ft long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions if indoors or designated start spot if outdoors. Skill Practice: Color cone to represent each team 5 track batons or dowels/short

  • Cool-down

    Second Grade

    Nature Walk and Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to begin walking and thinking of one of the favorite things they like to do outside/in nature. Ask them to stop and show a motion from that favorite thing (possibly casting a fishing pole, swimming, holding the leash of a dog etc.) Then ask them

  • Cool-down


    Nature Walk and Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to begin walking and thinking of one of the favorite things they like to do outside/in nature. Ask them to stop and show a motion from that favorite thing (possibly casting a fishing pole, swimming, holding the leash of a dog etc.) Then ask them

  • Cool-down

    First Grade

    Nature Walk and Stretch Series Procedure: Ask students to begin walking and thinking of one of the favorite things they like to do outside/in nature. Ask them to stop and show a motion from that favorite thing (possibly casting a fishing pole, swimming, holding the leash of a dog etc.) Then ask them

  • Closure

    Second Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was a skill they used well in the relay race today? What was one thing their team needed to improve on to do better in the race? Which partner challenge was the most

  • Closure


    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was the name of the team race they tried today? (Relay Race) What was one way they could show readiness for the race? (Face forward, eyes watching person in front of them, favorite

  • Closure

    First Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What was a skill they needed to use in the relay race today? What was one thing their team did well in the race? Which partner challenge was their favorite and why? Celebratory Closure:

  • Skill Development

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Student teams list (4-6 students on a team) Students begin at center circle. This skill development section focuses on PE classroom protocols, team building, and safe moving. Prepare: Remind students that playing is a part of PE, but that when we play in PE, we are doing

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two soft tagging implements or two vests/pinnies Students begin on a sideline. Taggers begin in center Endline to Endline Team Tag This activity combines using common age-appropriate locomotor skills with familiarizing students to the various areas of the activity space (e.g., the

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two soft tagging implements or two vests/pinnies Students begin on a sideline. Taggers begin in center Sideline to Sideline Safe Moving Tag This activity combines using common age-appropriate locomotor skills with familiarizing students to the various areas of the activity space (e.g.,

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Upbeat music Music delivery system Two soft tagging implements or two vests/pinnies Students begin on a sideline. Taggers begin in center Sideline to Sideline Safe Moving Tag This activity combines using common age-appropriate locomotor skills with familiarizing students to the various areas of the activity space (e.g.,

  • Cool-down

    Second Grade

    Stretch and Breathe Procedure: Instruct students to stand tall and strong on the center circle and take two big steps back. Show them how to reach their arms high to the sky like branches of a tree. Have students stretch high and wide with you. Hold each stretch for 30 counts. Instruct students

  • Cool-down

    First Grade

    Stretch and Breathe Procedure: Instruct students to stand tall and strong on the center circle and take two big steps back. Show them how to reach their arms high to the sky like branches of a tree. Have students stretch high and wide with you. Hold each stretch for 20 counts. Instruct students

  • Closure

    First Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Ask students what the long name for this class is called (Physical Education). Have all repeat it. Ask what the short name of this class is called (PE). Have all repeat it. Ask them to share some of the reasons

  • Skill Development


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up Upbeat music Music delivery system Selection of soft age-appropriate equipment (More than enough foam balls, noodles, hoops/tunnels, nylon scarves, etc. for each student) Set-up can occur before class begins. Distribute equipment across five to six stations around the perimeter of the activity space.  This skill development is an

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Upbeat music Music delivery system Selection of soft age-appropriate equipment (More than enough foam balls, noodles, hoops/tunnels, nylon scarves, etc. for each student) Set-up can occur before class begins. Distribute equipment across five to six stations around the perimeter of the activity space.  Practice and PLAY, Go and

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities


    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Upbeat music Music delivery system Selection of soft age-appropriate equipment (More than enough foam balls, noodles, hoops/tunnels, nylon scarves, etc. for each student) Set-up can occur before class begins. Distribute equipment across five to six stations around the perimeter of the activity space.  Practice and PLAY, Go and

  • Purposeful PLAY Reinforcing Activities

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Upbeat music Music delivery system Selection of soft age-appropriate equipment (More than enough foam balls, noodles, hoops/tunnels, nylon scarves, etc. for each student) Set-up can occur before class begins. Distribute equipment across five to six stations around the perimeter of the activity space.  Practice and PLAY, Go and

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system None needed. Skill Development: *Skill Development focuses on what to do at the Purposeful PLAY stations so, equipment and set-up are the same as outlined in the Purposeful PLAY section. Purposeful PLAY Upbeat music Music delivery system Selection of soft age-appropriate equipment (More than enough foam

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm Up Upbeat Music Music delivery system None needed. Skill Development: *Skill Development focuses on what to do at the Purposeful PLAY stations so, equipment and set-up are the same as outlined in the Purposeful PLAY section. Purposeful PLAY Upbeat music Music delivery system Selection of soft age-appropriate equipment (More than enough foam

  • Welcome

    Second Grade

    Greet students at the entrance and ask them to proceed to team positions (tape, chalk, cones, etc.). Say to students: It’s great to see you all again. I had fun teaching you about how to move the ball with your feet during our last PE time. Lesson Focus: Ball Control Skills with Feet

  • Welcome


    Greet students at the entrance and ask them to proceed to team positions (tape, chalk, cones, etc.). Say to students: It’s great to see you all again. I had fun teaching you about how to move the ball with your feet during our last PE time. Lesson Focus: Ball Control Skills with Feet

  • Welcome

    First Grade

    Greet students at the entrance and ask them to proceed to team positions (tape, chalk, cones, etc.). Say to students: It’s great to see you all again. I had fun teaching you about how to move the ball with your feet during our last PE time. Lesson Focus: Ball Control Skills with Feet

  • Warm Up

    Second Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Music Music delivery system 5 hurdles at various heights 5 hoops in holders standing upright (or other teaching tool that allows students to practice going around/through) Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Postion hurdles/hoops spread out through activity space as obstacles for students to practice going over/under/around/through. Warm

  • Warm Up


    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Music Music delivery system Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Warm Up: March, Meet, and Move (In Pathways) This warm up activity allows students to begin moving at a moderate pace, using the skill of high knee marching, while they interact and cooperate with each other to

  • Warm Up

    First Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Music Music delivery system 5 hurdles at various heights 5 hoops in holders standing upright (or other teaching tool that allows students to practice going around/through) Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Postion hurdles/hoops spread out through activity space as obstacles for students to practice going over/under/around/through.

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    Second Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E18.2 S3.E3.2b S2.E2.2 S4.E4.2 Dribbles with the feet in general space with control of ball and body. Identifies physical activities that contribute to fitness. Combines shapes/levels/pathways. Works independently with others in partner settings.

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes


    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E18.K S3.E3.K S2.E2.K S4.E4.K Taps a ball using the inside of the foot, sending it forward. Recognizes that when you move faster, your heart beats faster, and you breathe faster. Travels in three different pathways. Shares equipment and space with others.

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    First Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E18.1 S3.E3.1 S2.E2.1b S4.E4.1 Taps or dribbles a ball using the inside of the foot while walking in general space. Discusses the benefits of being active and exercising/playing. Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over, under, around, through). Works independently with others in a variety

  • Skill Development

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up TLP poster for Foot Dribble 30 space spots (one per student pair plus 15 additional) 4 to 6-inch balls (one per student) Position one space spot in front of each student in their team position and a ball on each space spot. Skill Development: Foot Dribble This

  • Skill Development


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up TLP poster for Foot Dribble Space spots (one per student) 4 to 6-inch balls (one per student) Position one space spot in front of each student in their team position and a ball on each space spot. Skill Development: Foot Dribble This skill development focuses on instruction

  • Skill Development

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up TLP poster for Foot Dribble Space spots (one per student) 4 to 6-inch balls (one per student) Position one space spot in front of each student in their team position and a ball on each space spot. Skill Development: Foot Dribble This skill development focuses on instruction

  • Purposeful Play

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Music (nature-inspired) Music delivery system 5 Jump ropes 5 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls One foam tagging implement Cones Set out jump ropes to make lava lanes and spread out the balls to represent river rocks. Use cones to create a 5 by 20-foot area at the

  • Purposeful Play


    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Music (nature-inspired) Music delivery system 5 Jump ropes 5 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Set out jump ropes to make lava lanes and spread out the balls to represent river rocks. Purposeful PLAY: Fun Forest Adventure: Leaping Hot Lava, Moving & Stopping River Rocks This activity

  • Purposeful Play

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Music (nature-inspired) Music delivery system 5 Jump ropes 5 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Set out jump ropes to make lava lanes and spread out the balls to represent river rocks. Purposeful PLAY: Fun Forest Adventure: Leaping Hot Lava, Tapping & Trapping River Rocks This activity

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat music Music Delivery System Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice area.

  • Equipment & Set-Up


    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat music Music Delivery System Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice area.

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Upbeat music Music Delivery System Two foam tagging tools Various age-appropriate object control (foot dribbling/kicking) manipulatives 10-15 cones Cone off or designate an approx. 30 ft long by 8-10 ft. for practice adjacent to the main activity area. Variety of age-appropriate object control (lower body) items placed within this practice area.

  • Cool-down

    Second Grade

    Cool-Down: Walk Together, Work Together Procedure: Ask students to walk in pairs for this activity called, Walk Together, Work Together, interlocking one arm with each other, throughout the activity space for 30 counts. Tell students that if you tap them, they should stop with their partner, turn to face each other, reach high

  • Cool-down


    Cool-Down: Walk Together, Work Together Procedure: Ask students to walk in pairs for this activity called, Walk Together, Work Together, holding hands, throughout the activity space for 30 counts. Challenge them to try to walk in a variety of pathways together. Ask them to stop, turn to face each other and reach high

  • Cool-down

    First Grade

    Cool-Down: Walk Together, Work Together Procedure: Ask students to walk in pairs for this activity called, Walk Together, Work Together, holding hands, throughout the activity space for 30 counts. Challenge them to try to walk in a variety of pathways together. Tell students that if you tap them, they should stop with their

  • Closure

    Second Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What are some things we could do to help make our heart, beat faster, to help our heart become stronger? Which foot do we usually want to use to dribble the ball? What type

  • Closure


    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What's a skill that we can use with our feet and a ball? What is a move we can do to get our heart pumping harder? PLAY at Home: Find a ball at home that

  • Closure

    First Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What are some things we could do to help make our heart, beat faster, to help our heart become stronger? Which part of the foot should we use to tap the ball when trying

  • Welcome

    Second Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions (tape, chalk, cones, etc.). Lesson Focus: Ball Control Skills with Feet Say to Students: Which part of our body have we been using to control a ball. (Our hands) What are some of the skills you used to control the

  • Welcome


    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions (tape, chalk, cones, etc.). Lesson Focus: Ball Control Skills with Feet Say to Students: Which part of our body have we been using to control a ball. (Our hands) What are some of the skills you used to control the

  • Welcome

    First Grade

    Greet students at the door and ask them to proceed to team positions (tape, chalk, cones, etc.). Lesson Focus: Ball Control Skills with Feet Say to Students: Which part of our body have we been using to control a ball. (Our hands) What are some of the skills you used to control the

  • Warm Up


    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Music Music delivery system Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Fitness Focus: High Knee March Say to students: It's wonderful to see that so many of you are ready to move to get stronger. In our warmup we are going to try to march with our knees

  • Warm Up

    Second Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Music Music delivery system Foam balls (one per student) Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Fitness Focus: Wide Stance, Fast Feet on the Floor (Stutter Step) Say to students: It's wonderful to see that so many of you are ready to move to get stronger. In our

  • Warm Up

    First Grade

    Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up Music Music delivery system Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Fitness Focus: Narrow Stance, Fast Feet on the Floor (Stutter Step) Say to students: It's wonderful to see that so many of you are ready to move to get stronger. In our warm up we are going

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    Second Grade

    GradeLevelOutcomesPsychomotorCognitiveAffectiveS1.E21.2S3.E3.2bS2.E2.2S4.E4.2Uses a continuous approach and kicks a moving ball, demonstrating 3 of the 5 elements of a mature pattern.Identifies physical activities that contribute to fitness.Combines shapes/levels/pathways.Works independently with others in partner settings.

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes


    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E18.K S3.E3.K S2.E2.K S4.E4.K Kicks a stationary ball from a stationary position, demonstrating 2 of the 5 elements of a mature kicking pattern. Recognizes that when you move faster, your heart beats faster and you breathe faster. Travels in three different pathways. Shares equipment and space with others.

  • Standards Focus Grade Level Outcomes

    First Grade

    Grade Level Outcomes Psychomotor Cognitive Affective S1.E18.1 S3.E3.1 S2.E2.1b S4.E4.1 Approaches a stationary ball and kicks it forward, demonstrating 2 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern. Recognizes that when you move faster, your heart beats faster and you breathe faster.Discusses the benefits of being active and exercising/ playing. Travels demonstrating a

  • Skill Development

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up TLP poster for Instep Kick 15 Space spots 14 Mini cones 15 Dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Place space spots in a line across the gym approximately 20 feet away from the wall and 3 to 5 feet from each other. Half of the students begin standing

  • Skill Development


    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up TLP poster for Instep Kick 15 Space spots 14 Mini cones 15 Dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Place space spots in a line across the gym approximately 20 feet away from the wall and 3 to 5 feet from each other. Half of the students begin standing

  • Skill Development

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up TLP poster for Instep Kick 15 Space spots 14 Mini cones 15 Dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Place space spots in a line across the gym approximately 20 feet away from the wall and 3 to 5 feet from each other. Half of the students begin standing

  • Purposeful Play

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Music (nature-inspired) Music delivery system 5 Jump ropes 5 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Safe tagging implement 5-10 cones Place jump ropes set out to make lava lanes, and five larger balls spread out to represent boulders. Cone off an 8 to 10-foot wide area at the

  • Purposeful Play


    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Music (nature-inspired) Music delivery system 5 Jump ropes 5 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Place jump ropes set out to make lava lanes and balls spread out to represent boulders. Purposeful PLAY: Fun Forest Adventure: Leaping Hot Lava, Stopping Big Boulders This activity allows students the

  • Purposeful Play

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Purposeful PLAY Equipment/Set-up Music (nature-inspired) Music delivery system 5 Jump ropes 5 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Assortment of smaller foam balls (e.g., spider balls, squish balls, newspaper balls) Place jump ropes set out to make lava lanes, larger balls spread out to represent boulders, and small assortment of balls

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Music Music delivery system Foam balls (one per student) Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Skill Practice: TLP poster for Instep Kick 15 space spots 14 mini cones 15 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Place space spots in a line across the gym approximately 20 feet away from

  • Equipment & Set-Up


     EquipmentSet-UpWarm-UpMusicMusic Delivery SystemStudents start in team positions facing the teacher.Skill Practice:TLP poster for Instep Kick15 space spots14 mini cones15 dense foam 4 to 6-inch ballsPlace space spots in a line across the gym approximately 20 feet away from the wall and 3 to 5 feet from each other.Half of the students begin standing on a

  • Equipment & Set-Up

    First Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Warm-Up Music Music Delivery System Students start in team positions facing the teacher. Skill Practice: TLP poster for Instep Kick 15 space spots 14 mini cones 15 dense foam 4 to 6-inch balls Place space spots in a line across the gym approximately 20 feet away from the wall and 3 to

  • Cool-down

    Second Grade

    Cool-Down: Walk Together, Work Together Procedure: Ask students to walk in pairs for this activity called, Walk Together, Work Together, interlocking one arm with each other, throughout the activity space for 30 counts. Ask them to stop, turn to face each other and reach high to the sky, touching their fingers together at

  • Cool-down


    Cool-Down: Walk Together, Work Together Procedure: Ask students to walk in pairs for this activity called, Walk Together, Work Together, holding hands, throughout the activity space for 30 counts. Ask them to stop, turn to face each other and reach high to the sky, touching their fingers together at the top and hold

  • Cool-down

    First Grade

    Cool-Down: Walk Together, Work Together Procedure: Ask students to walk in pairs for this activity called, Walk Together, Work Together, holding hands, throughout the activity space for 30 counts. Ask them to stop, turn to face each other and reach high to the sky, touching their fingers together at the top and hold

  • Closure

    Second Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control:Check for Understanding:Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate:What are some things we could do to help make our heart, beat faster, to help our heart become stronger?Which foot do we usually want to use to kick the ball?Which part of the foot is the instep?How

  • Closure


    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What's a skill that we can use with our feet and a ball? How do we know which foot is our favorite foot to control the ball with? What is a move we can

  • Closure

    First Grade

    When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control: Check for Understanding: Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate: What are some things we could do to help make our heart, beat faster, to help our heart become stronger? Which foot do we usually want to use to kick the ball? What can

  • Rubric

    Instep Kick Step 2: Backswing and Kick Action Step Description Demonstrate correct backswing and kick action when kicking a ball so it travels a distance of 20 feet.  Assessment Rubric Observe students on these criteria during the practice portion of a lesson or in the reinforcing activities. Use the fillable form below to

  • Rubric

    Instep Kick Step 1: Step and Kick Step Description Demonstrate standing and stepping correctly when kicking a ball so it travels a distance of 20 feet.  Assessment Rubric Observe students on these criteria during the practice portion of a lesson or in the reinforcing activities. Use the fillable form below to record each

  • Skill Development

    Second Grade

    Equipment Set-Up Skill Development Equipment/Set-up TLP poster for Foot Dribble 30 space spots (one per student pair plus 15 additional) 4 to 6-inch balls (one per student) Position one space spot in front of each student in their team position and a ball on each space spot. Skill Development: Foot Dribble This