When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control:

Check for Understanding:

Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate:

  • Rate your cooperation with your teammates today. (Thumbs up, thumb sideways, thumbs down)
  • What is the reason you rated yourself that way? (Call on students to share)
  • Which skill challenge station did you feel successful at today? Which station was challenging for you?

Celebratory Closure:

Share that you are excited to move more with them next time and excited to see them use a variety of skills to cooperate and challenge themselves! Remind them that using their best effort when practicing is one of the ways they can help to improve all their skills. Call out in a celebratory voice and students repeat after each line.

  • Say (repeating terms slowly): Repeat after me.
    • B-E-S-T
    • I want to be the best I can be!


Encourage students to continue using their skills is many ways and to try a new activity or game that will challenge them!