Warm-Up Equipment/Set-Up
  • Upbeat music
  • Music delivery system
  • Two foam tagging tools

Designate or cone off a 10 ft. long by 3-4 ft. wide area for practice. Students begin in team positions (Indoors) or designated start spot (Outdoors).

Time to Use Your Skills Tag

(Balance Skill Review)

This activity directs students to recall and use many types of locomotor skills. It allows them a chance to use fitness skills and interact with each other as they use safe moving skills. Students are asked to use personal responsibility to follow the rules of the game.


Say to students, Let’s get moving together to warm up and use some of the balancing skills we learned/practiced earlier this year! Our warm up is called, Time to Use Your Skills Tag.

  • Share with them the following:
    • They will move all throughout the designated activity area when the music starts.
    • They should use their awareness to try to stay away from the two players designated as the taggers.
    • If they get tagged, they should exit the playing area and go to the skill practice area.
    • In the skill practice area, they will choose one of their balance skills to try and practice it for 30 counts.
    • After completing the locomotor, they may return to gameplay.


  1. Ask students to recall the various balancing skills they can remember learning throughout the year. (Call on students to share/demonstrate).
  2. Choose two students to be the taggers in the first round of the game and give them safe tagging tools.
  3. Direct the other students to spread out in activity area in personal space.
  4. Begin music to begin movement.
  5. Circulate and encourage best-effort play and best-effort practice.
  6. Stop the music after 3 minutes of play.
  7. Choose new taggers for a new round of the game and repeat gameplay.


Ask students to return to team positions and sit down.