When students are lined up, quiet, and showing body control:

Check for Understanding:

Call on 3-5 students to answer/demonstrate:

  • What was the name of the team race they tried today? (Relay Race)
  • What was one way they could show readiness for the race? (Face forward, eyes watching person in front of them, favorite foot in the front)
  • How did they cooperate with a partner today? (Various answers)

Celebratory Closure:

Share that you are excited to move more with them next time and excited to see them use a variety of skills to cooperate and challenge themselves! Call out in a celebratory voice, and students repeat after each line.

  • Say (repeating terms slowly): Repeat after me.
    • B-E-S-T
    • I want to be the best I can be!


Ask students to try some of the partner challenges with a family member or friend at home. Encourage students to continue practicing the relay race with friends at recess time.