Equipment Set-Up
Skill Development Equipment/Set-up
  • TLP poster for Foot Dribble
  • Space spots (one per student)
  • 4 to 6-inch balls (one per student)
  • Position one space spot in front of each student in their team position and a ball on each space spot.

Skill Development: Foot Dribble

This skill development focuses on instruction and exploration of moving the ball with the feet (Foot Dribbling) The Kindergarten GLO is to tap a ball using the inside of the foot, sending it forward. The EPEC Classic TLP foot dribble is used for instruction and form corrections, with a focus on steps 1-2.


Say to students:

  • Now we are ready to continue learning how to move the ball with our feet.
  • Who remembers what we practiced with the ball during PE last time? (Kicking and trapping)
  • Those are both skills that we can use in games.
  • Now we are going to try moving the ball with both feet.
  • This skill is called foot dribbling.
  • Raise your hand if you’re ready to try it with me!
  • It’s great to see so many of you are ready to learn.
  • Remember that whenever we are using a ball, we are going to try to use safe equipment handling/responsibility.
  • Raise your hand if you can recall one of the safety cues I might use while we are working with a ball. (e.g., freeze please, foot to ball, eyes on me, etc.)
  • Also, we want to work well with our practice partners so that we can have the best practice possible.

Explain/Demonstrate: Pretend Ball/Push Back and Forth

  • Ask students to move safely to a space spot and stand with their feet on either side of the spot.
  • Tell students that first they are going to practice their body form, pretending that their spot is the ball.
  • Demonstrate how to position the body (e.g., ready, one foot on either side of the spot, knees slightly bent, weight on balls of feet)
  • Teach /Model how to shift their weight back and forth, pretending to tap the side of the space spot with the inside of the foot.
  • Share that they can use the foot trap that they practiced last time to stop the ball if it starts rolling away from them and they need to gain control again.

Practice: Pretend Ball/Push Back and Forth

  • Practice shifting weight back and forth from dominant/non-dominant foot together as a class.
  • Cue aloud, tap, tap, tap, tap-trap. On the trap cue, students should place the ball of their favorite foot on top of the space spot.
  • Practice multiple times until it looks like most students are demonstrating proper body form.

Explain/Demonstrate: Back and Forth Ball Tap and Trap

  • Share that they will now get the chance to try their ball tap (dribble) with a ball.
  • Call students to each get a ball and bring it back to their space spot.
  • Share that they should start off thinking about tapping the ball very softly.
  • Explain and demonstrate how if they tap it too hard, they could easily lose control.
  • Explain that it’s OK if they lose control while they are practicing because learning a new skill can be challenging.
  • Demonstrate how to softly tap the ball back and forth using the inside of the foot.
  • Share that they are going to try four taps and then a trap like they did without the ball.

Practice: Back and Forth Ball Tap and Trap

  • Ask students to show ready position, then cue practice aloud, ready, eyes on the ball, softly tap, tap, tap, tap-trap. Tap, tap, tap, tap-trap.
  • Continue practice, moving through activity space and calling aloud cue words until students show some control.

Explain/Demonstrate: Back and Forth Foot Dribbling (Forward Moving)

  • Share that in most games where the foot dribble is used, the player would need to be able to move the ball throughout the activity area. Tell students that they will try that next.
  • Ask students to move their space spot and ball to the sideline so that everyone can start the practice activity moving in the same direction.
  • Demonstrate how to move/tap the ball back/forth/forward.
  • Remind students that a soft tap will help them keep their ball under control.
  • Ask students to put their arm straight out in front of them. Explain that they should try not to let their ball go farther out/away from them than the length of their arm.

Practice: Back and Forth Foot Dribbling (Moving Forward)

  • Ask students to show a ready position.
  • Cue practice aloud starting with just four taps and then a trap, ready, softly tap forward, tap, tap, tap-trap and continue, Tap, tap, tap, tap-trap.
  • Once students have reached the opposite sideline ask them to turn around and get ready to try again, moving back to their starting spot. Cue aloud, tap, tap, tap, tap-trap! Tap, tap, tap, tap-trap!
  • Continue cuing practice aloud until students have reached their starting spot.

Explain/Demonstrate: Try for 10

  • Share with students that they are going to continue to try the forward moving-foot dribble on their own.
  • Tell them they will continue to practice using the inside of the foot to tap the ball softly back and forth/forward, trying to get at least ten taps in a row with control.
  • Explain that if they get ten, they should leave their ball and move safely to high five the teacher. Then they can return to their ball and try to get ten again.
  • Remind students to use their foot trap skill if the ball begins to roll away from them and they need to regain control.

Practice: Try for 10

  • Direct students to start in the ready position with their ball directly in front of them.
  • Begin music to cue movement.
  • Call aloud body cues as reminders for students to use their best body form.
  • Complete a high five with those students that complete ten in a row.
  • Continue practicing for 2-4 minutes.


Ask students to pick up their ball and bring it to the designated area and then return to their team position.

Variations:  Students can be paired together and take turns practicing, if space or amount of equipment is an issue.