Warm Up Equipment/Set-Up
  • Music
  • Music delivery system
  • Foam balls (one per student)

Students start in team positions facing the teacher.

Fitness Focus: Wide Stance, Fast Feet on the Floor (Stutter Step)

Say to students:

  • It’s wonderful to see that so many of you are ready to move to get stronger.
  • In our warm up we are going to try to move all around the activity space while marching. 
  • We will also try to move faster by using a move I’ll call fast feet on the floor. 
  • These are skills that will help you with your footwork.
  • Having good coordination with our feet can help to be able to move the ball well with the feet.
  • Stand up so that we can try these skills all together!


  1. Review/work through proper form for High Knee Marching: Stand strong/tall through your head and torso, Lift the knees up to waist height, while alternating with a medium hard foot placement on the floor, try to keep a rhythm together.
  2. Teach/work through proper form for Wide Stance, Fast Feet on the Floor: Stand with feet more than shoulder width apart, toes and heels in line with each other, heels slightly lifted, knees bent, move the feet rapidly from one foot to the other (stuttering).

Warm Up: March, Meet, and Move with Fast Feet

This warm-up activity allows students to begin moving at a moderate pace, using the skill of high knee marching and challenges them to move at a faster pace and use fast/coordinated footwork. It prompts them to focus on working well with others to complete a task together.

Tell students that the warm up is called, March, Meet, and Move with Fast Feet.

  • Explain that in the warm-up they will use their high knee marching skill to move safely throughout the activity area.
  • Share that when you call aloud, meet and move with fast feet, they should stop marching and turn towards the person/s closest to them.
  • Explain that they will then focus on doing the wide-stance-stutter-step/fast feet, together as quickly as they can, continuing until they hear you call out, move with your march.
  • Share that after that cue, they will begin marching and moving around the general space again.
  • Tell them this moving pattern will continue for one song.
  • Remind them to be aware of their personal space while moving and use safe moving skills so they don’t bump/bang or slip/slide into others.
  • Prompt them to work well with others they “meet up” with by cooperating and encouraging each other.


  1. Start music to begin movement.
  2. Intermittently call aloud, meet and move with fast feet. Move through activity space and encourage lots of movement.
  3. Continue activity with intermittent cues for 3-5 minutes or one song.


Ask students to place a flat palm over their heart and give a thumb’s up hand signal if they can feel the heart doing its job.