Instep Kick

Step 2: Backswing and Kick Action

Step Description

Demonstrate correct backswing and kick action when kicking a ball so it travels a distance of 20 feet.

 Assessment Rubric

  • Observe students on these criteria during the practice portion of a lesson or in the reinforcing activities.
  • Use the fillable form below to record each student’s result on each element, or download the standard print version below.
  • Total the number of correctly performed elements and use the appropriate rubric below to determine each student’s score.



4-point Rubric Scoring 5-point Rubric (with Performance) Scoring
Elements Mastered Score Elements Mastered Score
0/4 or 1/4 =1 0/5 or 1/5 =1
2/4 =2 2/5 =2
3/4 =3 3/5 =3
4/4 =4 4/5 =4
5/5 =5

*Your school district may require either a four-point or five-point rubric score. A scoring option for each is provided above.

Ball Control: Feet- Instep Kick Step 1 Pre-test Rubric

Ball Control: Feet- Instep Kick Step 1 Pre-test Rubric

Pre-test Rubric

Watch Ball
Big Step
Shoeslaces Firm Foot

Start Over

Ball Control: Feet- Instep Kick Step 1 Post-test Rubric

Ball Control: Feet- Instep Kick Step 1 Post-test Rubric

Post-test Rubric

Watch Ball
Big Step
Shoeslaces Firm Foot